Meditation & Setting IntensionsIn what I’ve personally experienced and learned along my journey is that meditation and setting clear intensions each and every day are a vital piece to the puzzle of keeping on track. Keeping on track of not only the weight loss/maintenance, but dealing with stress, life, family, etc! Being thankful each day I wake up and have an opportunity to engage in life again! Start in the shower!
THEN, set your intention for your day. How do you want to feel? How do you want to interact with others? How do you want your eating to be?How do you want your work day?By stating these clear, precise, intensions, it just makes you feel great and you honestly lead your day with these! For example:Today I want my day to be filled with joy! I accept the challenges of my day with joy, in order to learn from them. I will only react with joy. I will go into my meeting with a joyful mind. I take care of my health by eating joyful, healthy food to nourish my mind and body.