Cindi Mar 19, 2019
I chose Ideally You after doing a little research on several different weight loss programs. I had never really tried a program, and needed something structured and supportive because I obviously couldn't do it all on my own. I chose Ideally You because, Cindi was local, transparent in her own testimony and was encouraging but not overly pushy. I found some of the products to really be enjoyable but others just didn't suit my tastes. But the great about it was that there was a good variety to chose from and the different textures was helpful. It took me longer than I expected to get to my goal, mainly because I didn't always stick to the plan, but Cindi and the plan were gracious enough that I didn't feel guilty and give up before I reached my goal. I'm glad I stuck with it and I'm pleased with the results. The videos and recipes were helpful, too. I lost 44 pounds and am no longer bothered by sore joints, allergies or asthma and fatigue. I feel younger! Thank you, Cindi!